Get Involved

Be a Friend

Real Options cannot save lives without our friends. You may feel you don’t have enough time, skills or knowledge to get involved, but there is a place at RO for everyone! YOU can be a part of the mighty work God is doing through RO.
  • Become a prayer warrior
  • Volunteer at events
  • Take a tour of RO
  • And so much more!

Be an Advocate

Real Options advocates for each hurting person who walks through our doors. But we need pro-life and pro-love advocates like YOU who will promote the eternal work of RO. Join us and become an advocate for women and preborn children through a wide range of opportunities:

  • Become a patient advocate
  • Host a baby shower
  • Post-abortion support groups
  • Host a RO Banquet table
  • Find out if your company does matching program
  • And so much more!

Be a Ministry Partner

Our ministry partners are central to our strategy as a ministry, and we are always looking for ways to link arms with the local church.


  • Become a Church Liaison
  • Host a Church booth at Family Fest
  • Pastor Partnerships

Be a Financial Partner

Real Options receives no federal funds in order to freely share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, the continuation of this ministry is only possible because of the generous gifts and donations from our Financial Partners. From one-time gifts to ongoing monthly support, our faithful supporters directly impact the lives of countless babies, women, families, and our community.

  • Give a one-time donation
  • Support Real Options monthly 
  • Estate Giving

Get Involved

Ways to Serve

Here at Real Options, we have so many amazing ways to serve. From prayer warriors and donors to baby showers and patient advocates, there’s a place for you to get involved and join our mission of saving lives on earth and for eternity.

Patient Advocate

Baby Showers

Prayer Warriors

Church Liaison

Abortion Recovery Groups

Host a Banquet Table

Become a Financial Partner

Pastor Partnership

Get Involved

Check ALL opportunities you are interested in receiving more information about.

Ready to take action?

Get involved or donate to real options today
Real Options (RO) is a pro-life pregnancy resource clinic that has been serving Collin County for over 30 years. Our goal is to share the hope of Jesus Christ with the most abortion vulnerable in our community.

© 2022 Real Options. All rights reserved​

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