180 Degrees Abstinence Program | RO recognizes that if abstinence is chosen, then abortion will not become an option. Thus, we created our 180 Degrees abstinence program. This program is designed to help teenagers recognize the consequences of premarital sex, the beauty of a healthy marriage relationship, and turn their thinking about sex around a whole 180 degrees.
To learn more about this program, visit the 180 Degrees website:
www.180degrees.comor contactBrett Case, RO Education Director, for more information or to schedule a presentation.
Medical Services
Our medical clinic is staffed with professionals and trained patient advocates who provide care and compassion to those facing an unexpected pregnancy. We never refer or perform abortions and our goal is to help our clients overcome obstacles so they can confidently choose life for their unborn child.
RO’s free services include:
Pregnancy tests
Point of decision counseling
Pregnancy confirmation via ultrasound
Community referrals including adoption and prenatal care
Screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) & treatment
After abortion care
On-going counseling provided by LPC’s/LPCi’s and through our partnership with Meier Clinics.